Boston Employment Law Q&A
Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions
Every employment law case is unique, which is why you should consult an attorney for legal advice on your specific matter. That being said, employers and employees often have similar questions. Below are a few of the common questions our clients have asked our Boston employment law attorneys in the past.
If you don’t see your question listed here, don’t hesitate to contact us at (978) 228-2262.
Questions about Sexual Harassment
How do you know if inappropriate behavior at work constitutes unlawful sexual harassment?
If your supervisor asks you to perform sexual favors in exchange for benefits at work or demands that you perform sexual acts with him or her to keep your job, this is sexual harassment. The legal term is ‘quid pro quo’ harassment. It is illegal to make a raise, a promotion, or keeping your job contingent upon sexual favors. There is a second type of sexual harassment called ‘hostile work environment.’ This means that people in your workplace, either supervisors or co-workers, are making comments that are of a sexual nature or playing pranks that are sexually degrading which happen so often that it makes it intimidating to go to work.
Must sexual harassment involve a man and a woman?
Absolutely not. In fact, there has been a dramatic increase in the past decade in the number of cases in which men allege sexual harassment by women, men allege sexual harassment by another man, and women allege sexual harassment by another woman.
Should I always report sexual harassment?
Yes, though it is prudent to speak with an attorney first. If an employee is being sexually harassed by a co-worker or a supervisor, the company may not be liable if the employee does not report the sexual harassment.
Will the supervisor or co-worker who is committing the sexual harassment be liable at trial?
In Massachusetts, a supervisor who is sexually harassing an employee can be sued personally. It may or may not be a good idea to actually sue the supervisor. Whether or not it is a good idea is a very fact-specific analysis, and it is prudent to speak with an attorney about whether it is a good idea or not in any particular case.
Questions about Wage & Hour Laws
Does the company have to pay my wages right after I stop working?
It depends. If the employee quits, the company is obligated to pay the employee based upon the company’s next regularly scheduled payroll cycle. If the company fires the employee, then all wages must be paid that very day.
Does the company have to pay me my unused vacation and sick time after being fired?
Unused, accrued vacation pay is considered a wage and must be paid to the employee. It is important to note that some companies have a ‘use it or lose it’ policy, which means that vacation time does not roll over from year to year. Companies must have a clear, written policy in this regard. In contrast, companies do not have to pay employees for their unused sick time.
Is it true that a company has to pay triple the amount of unpaid wages if the employee proves his or her case in court?
Judges have the discretion to award treble (triple) damages if the employee proves that the company willfully violated the Wage and Hour Act. If the company is regarded to have been negligent in violating the statute, the courts will likely award single damages, i.e., the amount owed. (Note: There is pending legislation being debated that may make treble damages mandatory.)
If you are interested in hiring Davis & Davis, P.C., please contact us online or call us at (978) 228-2262 to schedule a consultation with a member of our legal team. We serve clients in Middlesex, Essex, and Suffolk counties.